Apr 7, 2011

tread lightly

he doesn't know that he treads dangerous waters
putting limits on things
like time
like life
like love
like forever

there will not be a time when i won't want
to serve a purpose
to make others smile
to cause ripples
to be a mother

because the love i have
could challenge the ocean

these arms are already outstretched

that there will be no limits

and one day
i'll make a tiny wish
come to the light

for that, i am meant

Apr 2, 2011


we compiled names
clever, crack-whip, unembarrassing names
to see that face
that name used up
sent forth
into a world
that is not so forgiving

i tried to rub you out
in spoonfuls
pull you from those hips
remove you from that shaft
take you in
to me
so i could nurture something

twenty four was the breach of contract
a life less worth living
i was not made use of
twenty five
are the last days
the only times
and it will not be today
or tomorrow

years from now
i will remember
all those salty
and wish i could purge them
back up
and plant them